When you need an auto insurance policy for your new vehicle, get the policy you need at the best price in Connecticut – call Sheri Wilson. The Insurance Store of CT is an independent insurance agency, and can shop around for the best coverage to suit your needs. We provide trust, value, service, and satisfaction when helping you find the auto insurance plan that works best for you. The idea of shopping the auto insurance market may seem a little daunting, but your Independent Insurance Agent shops multiple insurance providers on your behalf. At The Insurance Store of CT, you get the best rates for your desired coverage. Buy the car of your dreams, but you won’t have to mortgage the house to insure it!
Choose the coverage options that are best for you. Liability coverage protects you for damages to others in the event of an accident. Property coverage covers you for damage to the property of others for which you would be responsible in the event of an accident. Collision coverage compensates you for damage to your insured vehicle subject to a deductible selected by you. Comprehensive coverage which covers you for damage or theft caused other than an accident, and Medical coverage. Medical coverage will cover medical expenses resulting from an accident.
Shopping insurance is a great way for you to potentially yield lower rates for your auto insurance premiums. Low premiums, good coverage, and no stress. That’s the Insurance Store of CT way.